Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Future Prospects...

The Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt has prospects of having a flourishing future only if there is more National Park and more Reserves built to save the diversity in the forest and the huge number of endemic and invasive species that rely on the ecoregion. There are a few ways that this can be done, one being that the government of Mexico puts stricter laws on logging and where it can be done, and the other shall be done by the people of the country and states that is lies upon, by the continuance of Reforestation Projects. Thus, with the creation of certain laws and certain population morals and duties placed upon the region, it can ultimately be safe from falling in to nonexistence.The only problem that can happen for the ecoregion is the population increase around the volcanic terrain, because of the fertile soil that can be found near the volcanoes that enclose the belt, but that settlement can cause horrific problems for the region.

The graph shows that more people settle near active or dormant volcanoes, but that can only lead to disaster for the ecosystem.

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